The ruling TRS succeeded in making TDP members `voiceless’ during ongoing Telangana assembly sessions. Though the party had won 15 members, presently it is having only three members with 12 others jumped into TRS. Among three also, only its floor leader A Revanth Reddy is seen some times.

Prominent BC leader R Krishnaiah, who is a TDP MLA, deplored that till now not a single question raised by their members was taken up during the session. He said they have given upto 30 questions. But surprisingly, till now not a single questions was allowed. He is suspecting that intentionally the ruling party avoiding their questions.

Though Krishnaiah is a TDP member, he hardly associate with the party, except on issues related to BCs. He behaves himself as an `independent’. Many times on several issues, his concerns seems to be different from party’s known stand.

For example, he said yesterday that he would oppose allowing private universities in the state. It may be recalled that the state cabinet had already approved such a move and the government is intending to bring a bill in the assembly. When the media persons asked that the TDP government in Andhra Pradesh has already giving permission to several private universities, Krishna asserted that he would oppose there also.

Ahead of the beginning of the winter session, Revanth Reddy met the Speaker Madhusudhana Chary and urged him to treat all the `defected TDP MLAs’ are also as TDP members for practical purpose and allocate time to speak on the basis of that strength.

TDP members also given adjournment motion on the second day of the session seeking speaker to take immediate action on their `disqualification moves’ against defected members. After speaker refused the motion and TDP members continue to insist for their motion, they were suspended from the house for a day.

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