Anti-corruption officials in Telangana have uncovered a massive amount of hidden wealth belonging to a suspended irrigation department worker. The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) discovered that Herur Nikesh Kumar owned property worth about 100 crore rupees, far more than he should have been able to afford on his government salary.
During their searches of 20 different locations, including Herur Nikesh Kumar’s home in Gandipet and his relatives’ houses, the ACB found several properties. These included five plots of land, 6.5 acres of farming land, six apartments, and two business properties. While the official government value of these properties is about 18 crore rupees, their actual market value is estimated at around 100 crore rupees.
Herur Nikesh Kumar was already in trouble back in May, he had been caught accepting a bribe of 1 lakh rupees from someone who needed a building permit. After spending 42 days in jail, he was released on bail. Officials believe he made his illegal wealth by repeatedly taking bribes for issuing building permits. He worked in areas where real estate is very valuable, such as Gandipet, Nanakramguda, and Narsingi. In his ten years of government service, he spent five years in the same position, which officials say helped him build his illegal wealth.
The investigation revealed that Nikesh Kumar had tried to hide his ownership of many properties by putting them in his friends’ names. After completing their searches and discovering the extent of his hidden wealth, the ACB arrested Herur Nikesh Kumar again.