Telangana’s Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has set in motion a groundbreaking plan to introduce family digital cards across the state. This innovative approach aims to simplify access to various government services and welfare schemes for residents.

The new system, dubbed “one state, one digital card,” will consolidate multiple services into a single, easy-to-use platform. These services include ration distribution, healthcare access, and other welfare programs. By integrating these services, the government hopes to enhance efficiency and accessibility for citizens.

To ensure a smooth rollout, CM Reddy has proposed a pilot project in select areas. This initial phase will cover one town and one village in each constituency, allowing officials to fine-tune the system before a wider launch.

A key feature of the family digital card will be its portability within the state. This means cardholders can access welfare schemes from anywhere in Telangana, increasing flexibility for residents. Additionally, the card will store health profiles of all family members, enabling seamless healthcare service delivery.

The government is committed to ensuring widespread coverage of the digital card system. Plans are underway to establish district-wise implementation strategies, ensuring eligible families receive their cards promptly.

To develop the best possible system, CM Revanth Reddy has instructed officials to study similar initiatives in other states, including Rajasthan, Haryana, and Karnataka. This research will help Telangana incorporate successful practices from across India.

Alongside the digital card initiative, the Telangana government is also focusing on issuing new ration cards. Applications for these cards will be accepted starting October 2. A ministerial sub-committee is currently working on the application process and eligibility criteria, including reviewing annual income limits for families.

To inform their decision-making, officials led by Civil Supplies Department Commissioner DS Chauhan have visited Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh to study their ration card systems. The insights gathered from these visits will help shape Telangana’s updated ration card policy.


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