The Supreme Court has granted temporary relief to actor Mohan Babu, ordering that the police should not take any coercive action against him in the case of assaulting a journalist. The alleged incident occurred when the media reached Mohan Babu’s residence on 10 December to report on his ongoing family dispute. According to the video, the TV9 reporter was questioning the actor when he snatched the microphone and hit the reporter’s head. Mohan Babu was initially booked under Section 118 (1) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS), but the police later changed it to Section 109 (attempt to murder) based on the reporter’s detailed statement.
The Telangana High Court had earlier denied Mohan Babu’s anticipatory bail, noting that the journalist suffered a serious injury and underwent surgery. The veteran actor is ready to publicly apologize and provide compensation if necessary for throwing the microphone at the journalist. However, the journalist’s lawyer claims that the actor actually went to the hospital to threaten the journalist to withdraw the complaint, rather than to apologize.