Ilayathalapathy Vijay is all set to make his political debut next year and his party has been officially announced recently. The actor will be in films for ‘One Last Time’ and the team of his 69th film released a video which lasts for five minutes. The video unfolds the euphoria and the stardom of the actor along with the short bytes from his fans, individuals who worked for his films that narrates about the incredible journey of Vijay as an actor. Some of his fans expressed how they would celebrate the last film of Vijay in theatres for the actor. ‘A Lion is always a Lion’ admitted some of his fans for Vijay in films and in politics.

His 69th film will be directed by H Vinoth and it will be produced by KVN Productions. The film’s official announcement will be made tomorrow along with the complete details of the cast and crew members. Vijay has been entertaining the Tamil audience for three decades and he emerged as the highest paid Tamil actor for now. Wishing Vijay a great luck in his political journey ahead.

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