Nandamuri Balakrishna along with the team of Daaku Maharaaj is celebrating the success of the film and a grand success bash is held today in Hyderabad. The film’s music composer Thaman turned emotional during his speech and he responded about the social media trolls that they have been emerging as a threat for the survival of films. “Success cannot be bought with money and it gives a great energy. It gives you a hope to settle in life and it is very important. We get special respect when we are successful. Success is very important for a film producer. Negative trolls and tags are turning into a threat. A producer is lending money to produce a big-budget film and the negative trends are killing the future of the producer “, said Thaman.
He continued saying “Producers are like Gods. We have to respect them. All the fans, actors and the technicians should be responsible. The world is looking towards Telugu cinema and it is shining. Every director in Tamil or Malayalam is asking for a Telugu actor. Recently when I am in Bollywood, they are asking for a Telugu director. Telugu cinema is shining. We are killing our Telugu cinema with these trolls. I am frustrated. Telugu cinema achieved huge heights. It is not right to kill films. Stop negativity. Let us take Telugu cinema to the next level”.