After delivering an impactful and thought-provoking narrative through the 2022 controversial film ‘The Kashmir Files’, filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri is coming up another heart-wrenching drama which is centered on the poignant Bengal tragedy, a crucial historical incident with very little facts on record.
The first teaser of this epic saga titled The Delhi Files : The Bengaluru Tragedy has been unveiled today morning on the eve of Republic Day. The two minute teaser has Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty trudging through a vacant corridor as he recites the Preamble of the Constitution of India with a burnt tongue. He appears in a rugged avatar and looks very fatigue as he mouths the dialogue.
Towards the end of the teaser, he leans towards a wall and shouts ‘Welcome to Bharat’. We can notice a painting of a woman with India flag wrapped around her. This leads us to a haunting music score to bring the teaser to an end on a high note. The teaser hints that the film is likely to explore a sensitive happening of the past in a cinematic manner.
The teaser is a tribute on the occasion of Republic Day when the Constitution of India was enacted. It looks like this film will once again trigger serious discussions on how true incidents were buried for the sake of political and social reasons at the time of Independence.
The film also features Anupam Kher, Pallavi Gosh and several others in crucial roles. Abhishek Aggarwal and Vivek Agnihotri are jointly bankrolling the film. It is slated for release on August 15th.