The Income Tax officials have surprised Tollywood producers and initiated raids on Tuesday across Hyderabad. All the top production houses are raided and the accounts, transactions from the year 2016 are verified. Dil Raju, Mythri Movie Makers, Mango Ram, Abhishek Aggarwal, AK Entertainments, Venkata Satish Kilaru and others are drilled from the past two days. Everyone expected that the raids would be concluded by yesterday but they started today morning. As per the update, the raids are expected to continue for the next couple of days.
There are a lot of speculations and ongoing rumors about the raids. Dil Raju yesterday confirmed the raids and he said that they are happening on all the top production houses. He is expected to interact with the media once they get concluded. There are debates about the box-office numbers of Pushpa 2: The Rule. Dil Raju is raided about the accounts of his recent big-budget film Game Changer featuring Ram Charan.