Tirupati former MP and Congress senior leader Chinta Mohan’s comments on Tirupati stampede has irked public. The 70-year-old leader said, there is no negligence on the part of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) management in the issue.
Chinta Mohan, who had represented Tirupati in Loksabha for record 6 times, gave a strange reason for devotees death, making public completely irritated.
“Devotees did not die in the stampede. They died from lack of food and exhaustion. I have got personal information from the local people who were standing in the queues for Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam,” said former MP Chinta Mohan.
“Most of the devotees travelled from far off places to Tirupati all through the night. In eagerness, they stood in queues for Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam tickets without having even breakfast. As a result their sugar levels got down and died,” explained Chinta Mohan, making very bizarre comments on the whole issue.
What’s more irritating was, Chinta Mohan announced in the high pitch that TTD management and Board is performing well and there is no need to blame them. He even defended TTD EO Symala Rao.
As Chinta Mohan’s comments are going viral, devotees from all over the state, are expressing severe anger on him.
While Chinta Mohan may have his own understanding on the whole issue, defending TTD at a time, when Hindus across the globe are angry, has startled one and all.