Close on heels after it has been widely speculated that actor and politician Nandamuri Balakrishna is planning to set up a film studio with international standards in Vishakapatnam, it is now heard that Megastar Chiranjeevi is likely to follow suit with a similar plan.
As per information from reliable sources, Chiru is planning to construct a lavish studio near to Vizag with the help of Andhra minister Ghanta Srinivas Rao. Despite being in industry for more than three decades, Chiranjeevi and his family are yet to have a film studio. There have been reports several times that Chiru’s son Ram Charan is in plans to fulfill this dream by establishing a studio in and around Hyderabad. However, nothing has been officially heard about this till now.
Now, it is learnt that Chiru is likely to realize the dream by setting up a grand studio with all facilities required for film industry. He has already initiated talks with Ghanta Srinivas Rao with whom he has close ties for setting up studio with the help of Andhra Pradesh government which has promised a lot of sops for Tollywood.