Tollywood actor Nandamuri Balakrishna has been conferred with Padma Bhushan and the announcement came from the Centre last night. Tollywood celebrities took their social media pages to congratulate the veteran actor. Almost each and every Telugu actor congratulated Balayya. The entire Tollywood is in plans to facilitate Balakrishna on the occasion through a grand event. The discussions are on and the venue, date will be finalized very soon.
After scoring a decent hit with Daaku Maharaaj, Balakrishna is on a break. He will join the sets of Akhanda 2 directed by Boyapati Sreenu. For now, the episodes that do not need Balakrishna are shot in Hyderabad. Samyuktha Menon has been finalized as the leading lady in Akhanda 2 and Thaman is the music director. Produced by 14 Reels Plus, the film is aimed for Dasara 2025 release across the globe.