After the super success of KGF franchise, Kannada actor Yash rejected a series of films and he finally announced a film titled Toxic. Malayalam director Geethu Mohandas came on board to direct the film. A massive schedule of the film took place for a month in and around Mumbai. After watching the rush, Yash was not convinced and he asked the makers to scrap the entire footage. The team is now reshooting the content again.
This would be a massive loss for the makers of Toxic. Considering the next film of Yash after KGF, the makers decided to spend lavishly on the film. A huge amount of the budget would be wasted. Yash is quite particular about the output. Kiara Advani too is present in this schedule. The new schedule of the film is happening in Karnataka. Toxic is a mass entertainer that discusses drug mafia in Goa. KVN Productions are the producers of this big-budget attempt. The film was initially planned for release in summer but the plans are pushed and a new release date will be announced soon.