Kannada Superstar Yash has taken enough break after the super success of KGF franchise. Marking the birthday of Yash, the makers of his next film Toxic have unveiled the teaser of the film. Yash stuns with his screen presence in this interesting attempt. Yash looks dashing and he is seen casually smoking a cigar. In a bar and casino setup, the visuals are appealing and the background score is impactful. Fans are lauding the screen presence of Yash. No other actor from the film is shown in the teaser cut.
Toxic is directed by Geethu Mohandas. Akshay Oberoi, Kiara Advani and Nayanthara are said to be seen in other important roles. KVN Productions are the producers of the film. Toxic was initially slated for summer release but the plans are pushed. The rumors say that the film hits the screens during December this year. Yash is completely focused on Toxic. He is playing the lead antagonist in Ramayan featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi in the lead roles.