In a heartbreaking incident during the Vaikuntha Dwaram darshan token distribution in Tirupati, a stampede occurred, leading to the loss of several lives. Tirupati District Collector has submitted a detailed report to Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, highlighting the causes and lapses that led to the tragedy.
According to the report, the stampede was triggered by the over-enthusiasm of the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), who allowed a large crowd of devotees to enter the token distribution center all at once. The report also pointed out negligence by the ambulance driver, who parked the vehicle outside the token counter and left the scene, remaining unreachable for 20 minutes. This delay in emergency response reportedly worsened the situation.
The Collector’s report, based on inputs from SP Subba Rao and other officials, revealed that the DSP’s mismanagement and the ambulance driver’s negligence were key factors in the incident. Meanwhile, TTD Executive Officer (EO) Shyamala Rao also confirmed that the stampede occurred due to the sudden opening of gates by the DSP. Further details are expected as the investigation progresses.
The incident took place during the Vaikuntha Ekadashi celebrations, where thousands of devotees gathered at various centers in Tirupati to collect tokens for the darshan of Lord Venkateswara’s Vaikuntha Dwaram. The massive rush led to chaos, resulting in the tragic stampede that claimed six lives and left several injured.
Currently, 6 devotees deceased and 13 injured devotees are undergoing treatment at SVIMS Hospital, while many others have been discharged. AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is set to visit Tirupati soon to meet the injured and console the families of the deceased. He is also expected to announce compensation for the victims’ families.
This incident has raised serious concerns about crowd management and emergency preparedness during large religious gatherings. Authorities are under pressure to ensure such tragedies are avoided in the future.