During the teaser launch of Majaka, the film’s director Trinadha Rao Nakkina made some objectionable comments on actress Anshu and he landed in trouble. The actress did not feel comfortable during the time and Trinadha Rao Nakkina was trolled badly. He released a video to apologize about the incident. “I came to know that several women were not comfortable with my statement yesterday. I call it unfortunate and they were not planned. I made these comments to make fun. I would like to issue an apology as they were objectionable. I will also convey my apologies to Anshu” told Trinadha Rao Nakkina.
He also said that he did not think that it would become a big issue. The Telangana Women Commission has been quite serious about the comments made by Trinadha Rao Nakkina and he is expected to get the notices soon. But with his apology video, the issue may get resolved. Majaka is a comic entertainer featuring Sundeep Kishan, Ritu Varma, Rao Ramesh and Anshu in the lead roles. The film is announced for February 21st release and is produced by AK Entertainments.