Director Govi says but for Trisha, the shoot in Zaheerabad wouldn’t have been possible. Speaking to, the director narrates the incident that took place at the Karnataka border. “Trisha doesn’t work after 6pm but for this movie she did 20 days night shoot. Just not that when we went to Zaheerabad for shoot which was notorious for big mobs, it became difficult to carry the shoot. Even Sravanti Ravi Kishore is said to have returned once unable to tackle the crowd. The people are always floating and the security will not be enough. It was a six day shoot and we chose a desolate area. The first day was good, by 2nd day people got to know and the third day around 1000 people came to see the shoot. I got in touch with three police stations but they couldn’t control the crowd. We got scared and thought will announce a pack up. Trisha took the mike and addressed the crowd in Hindi, told them to cooperate and they amazingly listened to her. The people from the crowd came as volunteers and helped us. After listening to Trisha they calmed down.”
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