Telangana Rashtra Samithi PMs staged a protest in Lok Sabha on Monday demanding immediate bifurcation of Hyderabad High Court. The MPs stormed into the well the moment house assembled for the day in morning and rushed towards Speaker’s podium with placards and chanting slogans.
Earlier, TRS Mahabubnagar MP Jitender Reddy tried to move a resolution seeking division of the High Court. Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, however, disallowed the resolution, which forced TRS MPs to stage the protest in the well of the House.
TRS MPs have been agitating on same demand from the day one of the monsoon session They even staged demonstration near the Gandhi statue in the Paraliamentary premises.
Speaking to media later Nizambad MP Kavaita said Telangana was getting raw deal in High Court as the court was dominated Andhra people. ” When other states got the High Court established without delay after their creation, there is no reason in delaying the bifurcation of Hyderabad High Court,” she said and added that the agitation would continue till their demand was conceded.
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