The pre-production work of SSMB29 has come to an end and SS Rajamouli is all set to kick-start the shoot. Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra who has been busy with a bunch of Hollywood films landed in Hyderabad to participate in a discussion with Rajamouli. Superstar fans are disappointed as Priyanka Chopra is aged and she would not match the charm of Mahesh in the film. But the news is that Priyanka Chopra has been approached to play a pivotal role in the film and she is not the leading lady.
If the speculations are to be believed, Rajamouli is on a hunt for a glamorous girl to play the role of the heroine in this untitled film. Rajamouli has been keen to cast several international actors as the film will also have an English release simultaneously. Last night Rajamouli took the social media by storm with a small post about kick-starting the shoot. Mahesh Babu is preparing himself and he will be sporting a stylish look in this untitled film. Made on a huge budget, the film is produced by KL Narayana. PS Vinod is handling the cinematography work and MM Keeravani is the music composer.