After the shocking demise of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, several Tollywood audience related his death to that of Uday Kiran who passed away at a young age. Both Sushant and Uday Kiran rose to fame without any support. They had several similarities in their career. After announcements about Sushant Singh Rajput’s biopic are made, the discussion about Uday Kiran’s biopic are back on cards.
There were speculations that Teja who introduced Uday Kiran will direct his biopic but the director clarified that he has no such plans. As per the latest news, a director who worked with Uday Kiran in couple of movies is working on the biopic of the actor. On the occasion of his birth anniversary, Uday Kiran’s fans are remembering him and are eagerly waiting for his biopic. An official announcement is awaited.