Upendra’s much-anticipated Pan India movie UI, directed by the star himself under the banners of Lahari Films and Venus Entertainers, is set for release on the 20th of this month. The film’s promotion has been extensive, with Upendra and his team aggressively pushing the movie across various languages. Today, the film’s pre-release event was held in grand fashion in Hyderabad.
Upendra shared his excitement about the growing influence of Tollywood, stating that the industry is making waves not just in India, but across the globe. He teased that UI will transport audiences into an “imaginary world,” highlighting the uniqueness of the project. “The movie UI will be metaphorical and symbolic. It will be innovative from start to finish. I hope you will easily decode the theme,” he said.
The director also expressed his pride in the efforts of his team, acknowledging their hard work and dedication in bringing the film to life. He assured fans that UI will offer a completely new cinematic experience.