AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan has made interesting comments regarding Sandhya theatre stampede issue, which led to Allu Arjun fan Revathi’s death and Pushpa 2 star’s arrest. Star-turned-politician fully supported CM Revanth Reddy in this issue, saying that Telangana Government has acted according to the law and unbiasedly.
Pawan Kalyan also pointed out that, if Allu Arjun team members or Pushpa 2 producers had reached out to the family of Revathi, immediately after stampede death, then there couldn’t have been any public anger against the star or film industry.
Deputy CM and Janasena chief made these comments, in a chitchat with media persons in Amaravati on Monday.
“CM Revanth Reddy is a powerful leader who has grown from grassroots. He is knowledgeable and responsible. CM Revanth Reddy has acted according to the law. As Sandhya theatre stampede and fan’s death became a raging issue, he made a statement in the Assembly. I don’t think he has any enmity towards Telugu film industry. We should remember that the same Congress Govt gave permission to hike ticket prices and benefit shows for Pushpa 2, Salaar,” said Pawan Kalyan fully backing Telangana Government in Sandhya theatre stampede issue.
Pawan Kalyan reminded here that, CM Revanth Reddy has not shown any disrespect or biased treatment towards Tollywood like former AP CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy.
Pawan Kalyan also expressed that the arrest of Allu Arjun as unfortunate and stressed that even Pushpa 2 star is shocked and still grieving for the fan’s death.
However Pawan Kalyan pointed out that, if anyone from Allu Arjun’s side had reached out to Revathi’s family immediately after the incident, then the issue would have not been raged into such a big controversy.
Whole AP and Telangana have been eagerly waiting to know Pawan Kalyan’s stance in Allu Arjun’s arrest issue. With these comments, Pawan Kalyan has taken an unbiased stance in the issue. He neither found fault with Telangana Government nor Allu Arjun, hinting that unfortunate circumstances and miscommunication have led to this controversy.