Upasana Konidela, Vice Chairperson of CSR at Apollo Hospitals, has announced the opening of a free Emergency Care Centre at the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. This new medical facility continues Apollo Hospitals’ tradition of providing healthcare services at major religious sites across India. The announcement came from Upasana Konidela, who shared that the initiative was inspired by her grandfather, Dr. Pratap C Reddy, founder of Apollo Hospitals. She emphasized his teaching that their interpretation of Sanatan Dharma focuses on providing healing with dignity and empathy.
This new medical facility in Ayodhya joins Apollo’s network of successful emergency care centers already operating at other important religious destinations. These include temples at Tirumala, Srisailam, Kedarnath, and Badrinath. “After successfully serving in Tirumala, Srisailam, Kedarnath, and Badrinath, we are blessed to serve in Ram Janma Bhumi,” Upasana shared on social media, concluding her announcement with “Jai Shri Ram!”
Upasana Konidela, wife of Telugu film star Ram Charan, has been actively involved in healthcare initiatives through her role at Apollo Hospitals. She also founded URLife, a wellness platform, and has been recognized for her contributions to health and wellness through various projects, including the “U Exchange” movement and B Positive Magazine. The new Emergency Care Centre at Ram Mandir will provide free medical services to visitors and devotees, continuing Apollo Hospitals’ mission of making healthcare accessible at important pilgrim sites across India. This initiative represents another significant step in combining healthcare accessibility with spiritual locations, making medical help readily available to millions of visitors expected at the Ram Mandir.