Writer Venkee Atluri who has been a part of Madhura Sreedhar’s and Dil Raju’s writing team is making his debut as a director this summer. The film will have Varun Tej play the lead role and it will be produced by Dil Raju. Venkee Atluri is also an actor cum writer but more successful as a writer. He had co-written dialogues for Niharika’s short film Muddappapu Avakai. The film titled “Feel My Love” is supposed to be a wholesome romance with no play for villainy and heavy drama. It is a simple romantic story that will tug at the audience’s heart strings. The film will go to the sets once Varun Tej’s movie with Gopichand Mallineni’s film begins after loafer’s release and wraps up by summer.
NagaChaitanya Snapped at Chennai For Thandel Movie Promotions