The Indian government has granted enhanced ‘Y+’ security to the actor Vijay, who launched a political party called the Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) in 2024. This decision was based on threat assessments submitted by the Intelligence Bureau. The government’s main criterion for providing security to VIPs is the perceived threat from terrorist, militant, or extremist groups, as well as organized criminal gangs or the public position held by the individual. The government examines all such requests in consultation with central security agencies, who assess the threat and provide recommendations, upon which the decision is made to provide security or request the state government to take necessary action.
The ‘Z+’ security category, which is second only to SPG cover, involves over 30 security personnel stationed at the person’s residence or accompanying them. The ‘Z’ category has around 20 security personnel and also includes an escort car. The ‘Y+’ security category provides mobile security with armed guards in addition to personnel posted at the person’s residence, which is generally the level of security provided to Chief Ministers. The ‘X’ category of security includes a personal security officer (PSO) and a few other privileges.