The entire nation has been waiting for the update of SSMB29 that will be directed by the country’s best filmmaker SS Rajamouli. As Mahesh Babu is too much into travelling, Twitter has memes asking Rajamouli to seize the passport of Mahesh Babu. Rajamouli posted a small videobyte capturing the passport making the news viral. The videobyte shows a lion being captured behind the cage. He made it official that the shoot of the film commenced. Mahesh Babu was soon to reply saying “Okkasaari commit ayithe naa maata nene vinanu…. 😉”. The post is now viral across social media.
Netizens are appreciating Rajamouli for picking up the trolled content and making news out of it. Priyanka Chopra too responded to the post which makes it official that the Bollywood actress is a part of the journey. SSMB29 is a forest adventure and it will be shot across various countries of the globe. A short schedule will take place in a set constructed in the Aluminium Factory. KL Narayana is the producer and MM Keeravani scores the music and background score.