Madha Gaja Raja has been delayed by 12 years and there are no hopes on the film. With minimal publicity and with a struggling actor like Vishal on board, Madha Gaja Raja released during Sankranthi and the film is doing wonders across Tamil cinema. With all the biggies postponed, Madha Gaja Raja happened to be the first choice. The content too was well received and the film went on to grow stronger everyday because of the positive word of mouth. Madha Gaja Raja emerged as a super hit during the Sankranthi season in Tamil Nadu.
Madha Gaja Raja is the first blockbuster in Tamil for 2025. The film directed by Sundar C was initially planned to release during Sankranthi 2013 but it was pushed back. The film was finally released for Sankranthi 2025. The film was stuck in financial hurdles. Vishal and Santhanam played the lead roles in this comic entertainer and it is well received by the audience now. The entire budget is expected to recover through the first four days of the theatrical revenue and the overflows along with the non-theatrical rights are a bonus. Gemini Film Circuit and Benzz Media P Ltd are the producers. Vanangaan and Madraskaaran are the other Sankranthi releases in Tamil.