Sensational mass director VV Vinayak is testing his luck with his latest outing Inttelligent which will release on February 9th. Sai Dharam Tej, Lavanya Tripathi are the lead actors in this mass entertainer and Vinayak interacted with the press to reveal about many interesting things about the film. When asked about the sequel for Adhurs, the ace director revealed that he is always interested to work with NTR again and he is still in hunt for the script of Adhurs 2.
“Adhurs has a special place among my films and we are yet to lock the script. I am hopeful that the film will happen soon. I have come through several scripts but did not get the right one for the sequel. Will announce things officially if the script gets finalized” expressed Vinayak. The ace director is yet to start working on his next project and is eagerly waiting for the result of Inttelligent.