Tamil actor Vishal slowed down in his career after delivering a series of flops. He had a stable Telugu market at once but his films have no takers in Tollywood. The actor attended the pre-release event of his upcoming release Madha Gaja Raja last night in Chennai. His fans are left worried with his looks and his health condition. The actor was spotted shivering and he could not hold his mike during his speech. Vishal also lost huge weight and he looked lean. The clips from his speech are viral across social media circles.
Some of the Tamil media outlets published that Vishal is suffering with high fever and he had to attend the event without any choice. While some of them appreciated his dedication, the others expressed their shock over his looks. His fans posted ‘Get Well Soon’ comments for the posted videos. Madha Gaja Raja is delayed and is releasing after 12 years. Sundar C is the director and Vishal, Santhanam plays the lead roles. Madha Gaja Raja is releasing on January 12th this year. Anjali, Varalaxhmi Sarathkumar, Sathish, Sonu Sood, and late Manobala played other important roles.