Tollywood director Vamshi Paidipally directed films like Yevadu, Brundavanam, Oopiri and Maharshi. He recently directed Tamil Superstar Vijay in Varisu. The film ended up as an impressive one in Tamil but the film remained low in Telugu. Vamshi Paidipally takes long breaks between his films. He takes more time to pen the script. Vamshi Paidipally is committed to Dil Raju and he is expected to announce his next project only next year. Vamshi Paidipally started working on the script of his next film recently.

With all the young and leading actors occupied in Telugu, Vamshi Paidipally will have to wait for a long time. Meanwhile, he is focused on the script. Vamshi Paidipally got trolled for his comments in one of his recent interviews. With all the Telugu actors busy with back-to-back films, he is also considering a couple of Tamil actors for his next. More details awaited.

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