Rajamahendravaram MP and AP BJP president Daggubati Purandheswari on Thursday said that the party would admit those who like and abide by the policies and ideology of the BJP. She addressed a meeting of the BJP SC and Kisan Morchas in Guntur on the day. She said that she had no idea about the YSR Congress MPs joining the BJP.

She said that the BJP leadership from the top to bottom would discuss every leader and the integrity of the leader before admitting them into the party. She said that she had no idea whether the YSR Congress MPs and MLCs had plans to join the party. She said that it would be discussed at the party level before admitting them.

Purandheswari said that the party would start the membership drive from September 2. The party has 35 lakh members in Andhra Pradesh. This time, the number would go up as several senior leaders are willing to join the party. She said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would register his membership with the party first. Later, the drive would be extended to the rest of the country, she said.

The BJP leader said that the party is committed to categorization of SC reservation. The party had promised the categorization and would stand by the promise, she said. The party would follow the directions of the Supreme Court on the SC reservations categorization, she asserted.

She said that the party is not against the reservations. The opposition had launched a campaign against the party on the reservations issue. The party is committed to continue reservations, Purandheswari reiterated.

Referring to the Polavaram Project, Purandheswari said that the Central government would give funds to the state to complete the project. Another diaphragm wall would be constructed in the place of the damaged diaphragm wall, she said. The diaphragm wall was damaged as the YSR Congress government did not complete the upper cofferdam, she said. The damage cost heavily to the state and the Central governments, she said.

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