Ayushman Khurana and Yami Gautam starrer Vicky Donor made with a modest budget turned out to be a big hit in Bollywood. Thereafter Madhura Sreedhar announced he will be producing the same in Telugu. Meanwhile Sumanth is stepping in and the project is expected to go to sets in Jan 2016. It has been titled Dana Karna. But will this project work? It will be already four years old by the time it will hit the screen in summer. Moreover Sumant doesn’t have a market in Telugu cinema and no producer is willing to invest on him as he has faced a string of flops. Even if he becomes a benami producer chances are that the subject will be rejected as it is outdated and Sumanth is not suitable to play a comedy, his last film Emo Gurram Egaravocchu in which he tried to show his funny bone failed at the box office. Director Siva Nageswar Rao was supposed to make a movie with him but that too got shelved. Newcomer Malikram will direct Dana Karna.
Neha Shetty 2024 Journey