I will marry when I’m blindly in love: Kajal Aggarwal


Kajal Aggarwal has time and again been saying that marriage is nowhere near the line for her at this moment. Well, in a recent interview, she at least revealed what she expects from the man of her dreams and said that she’d want to “blindly” fall for the person. “The moment I find someone, or when I’m blindly in love with a person, I might get hitched,” she said.

“I feel the most important thing for a man is to stand on his feet. He should have an enthusiasm to make it big in his respective field regardless of what it is. I think that garners a lot of respect. He should be very understanding, with decent looks and open-minded. And yes, he should be very tall, that is something I consider as a prerequisite,” added the actress who shared that she wouldn’t want to marry someone from the film industry.

“I feel it isn’t nice to marry someone from the industry. Not only actors, I feel two doctors should also never get married. I believe if a couple is from different fields, they can learn more from each other,” she explained.

Well, so we are waiting for the romantic in you to come out Kajal.

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