Telugu360 is the youngest and fastest growing portal in Telugu media space. Over the last few months, Telugu360 has consistently delivered breaking news in movies and politics. Telugu360 has heralded a refreshing change in Telugu web media space by brining reputed journalists to the web media.
This is just a start!! Telugu360 is always open to good talent. Email your profiles to
Senior Editor — Politics:
- Work on aggressive schedules and available to cover breaking news.
- Ability to work independently without “handholding”
- 5 – 8 years of political reporting experience.
- Excellent written English
- Work with other team members and make sure all the relevant content is covered in detail.
- Good to have –> Network within AP and TG political circles.
- Job terms: Full time or Freelance
Senior Editor — Movies:
- Passionate about Telugu cinema.
- Ability to write articles based on leads.
- 4-6 years of movie reporting experience
- Excellent written English
- Ability to review telugu movies and interview tollywood celebrities.
- Adept in social media and pick up leads
- Job terms: Full time or Freelance
Email your profiles to