Yanamala writes to Naidu on state finances


Senior TDP leader and former finance minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Monday wrote a letter to chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu on state financial position. He suggested to the government to enforce the Revenue Recovery Act or any equalant Act to recover the money from the previous YSR Congress government and its leaders.

Yanamala alleged that the previous government had looted the state economy. An enquiry is required to look into the financial activities of the previous government, he said. He wanted the present government to initiate the recovery process through the Revenue Recovery Act.

He complimented the initiatives of the present government under the leadership of chief minister Chandrababu Naidu. However, he wanted strong measures to be taken to strengthen the state economy. He wanted the chief minister to take stringent measures to correct the mistakes of the previous government.

He wanted the state government to approach the Centre for more tax revenue to the state. He also wanted the state to get more grant-in-aid from the center. He also suggested that the state government should use ways and means overdraft judiciously.

He also suggested that the government should bring down the capital expenditure and ensure that the welfare schemes are given only to the eligible. He wanted the government to be cautious on fixing eligibility for every scheme.

Yanamala aske3d the government to strictly implement the Financial Responsibility and Budget Management (FRMB) norms and control the wastage of money. He said that by following the FRMB rules, the state government can bring down the expenditure in future and thus reduce the burden on the state government.

He also sought to advise the chief minister to take steps to curb corruption at every level. He said that corruption is one of the reasons for the financial instability. He wanted the chief minister to take steps to control and curb corruption at all levels.

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