The Jaganmohan Reddy Government in Andhra Pradesh has brought many changes to its sand policy from time to time in the last 17 months. In its latest policy change, the Government has said goodbye to the online procurement of sand by individual consumers. From now on, the general public would have to buy all sand offline.
The Government says that the new policy will make it easier and better for the people to get sand. The needy people can directly visit the sand reaches in the rivers. They can check the quality of sand, select it and make the purchases accordingly. They would have to procure the sand from the agencies which would be allotted the sand reaches.
The Jagan Reddy regime has begun a process to select Central Government agencies or departments to do sand mining in the State. If those firms do not come forward, the State Government itself would give sand mining tenders to the local firms which have the technology and resources to do the same.
The AP Government has also decided to permit individuals to transport the sand for their local needs in villages and towns. But, tokens would be given to them for doing the same.