Tamil actor Suriya has done promising films and he has several interesting projects lined up. It is unfortunate to hear that his pan-Indian film Karna with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra after almost a year of discussion. The actor is keen to work with several Bollywood filmmakers and he is receiving several offers. Suriya has invested big in Mumbai and he bought a lavish apartment worth Rs 70 crores across the plush location in the business capital. Suriya and Jyotika will juggle between Mumbai and Chennai on work basis and they have invested in an apartment to live in the city on the work front.

Also Read : Suriya’s hunt for Telugu cinema Continues

Some of the rumors also said that Suriya along with his family have relocated to Mumbai from Chennai and this is completely untrue. Suriya’s next film Kanguva will have a pan-Indian release and the promotional content looks promising. Siva is the director and Kanguva is slated for October 10th release. Some of the recent Hindi outings of Jyotika worked well and the actress too is turning busy in Bollywood. Hence Suriya and Jyotika invested in Mumbai.

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