Former Minister and TDP leader Devineni Umamaheswara Rao has said the YCP government has given Velogonda irrigation project works to a company which has no prior experience working with machines but can do only borewells. He demanded Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy to explain whether his government was interested in bringing an integrated irrigation policy in order to successfully complete the irrigation projects.

The TDP leader said if the ruling party was greedy after the commissions even in major projects, these works cannot be completed and there would be no clarity. Veligonda was aimed at giving drinking water to 15 lakh people and also provide irrigation to 3.36 lakh acres in Prakasam district, 27,200 acres in Kadapa and 84,000 in Nellore.

Mr Devineni Uma said that advanced machinery and latest technology was used during the TDP rule but now substandard works were going on. Out of political considerations, the greedy YCP leadership has stopped many projects that were started in previous regime. The re-tendering misrule has led to the stoppage of even the Polavaram project.

The TDP leader strongly objected to the Government giving Veligonda tunnel works to Kadapa native Lanka Reddy just because he belonged to the CM home district. These works were given to him on nomination basis in the name of re-tendering. These reverse policies and irrational activities have created mistrust among the outsiders and genuine companies about the state.

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